Communication Culture English New York Observation

Revisiting & reflecting on an evolving identity.

I left New York City in May 2010 and I had a chance to visit again a few weeks ago, 13 years later. I didn’t know that only after I revisit this city, I would be able to feel the influence it still has on me. I moved around like I never left, I shared […]

Communication English

I can design anywhere. Hey Powerpoint!

When I first opened a powerpoint file I was sitting in front of the screen for few minutes trying to decide where to go. I remembered all the super-busy powerpoint presentations I had seen in my life, with ready-made backgrounds, “supposed to be cool” effects, bad typefaces, low quality pictures and no information hierarchy at […]

Communication English

Essay 1: Medium as an inspiration.

I see my self standing for more than twenty minutes in front of boxes of ink, pencils of various weights, erasers, papers, paper boxes and empty sketchbooks. Only by watching all these amazing materials, I can sit down immediately and start drawing for no reason. I mean, I do not need another reason. Medium is the reason when there are no time or […]